January 24


The History of Bodybuilding: Where It All Started

By Stacia

January 24, 2024


Let’s dive into the fascinating history of bodybuilding to give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of this sport.

The Ancient Beginnings

In its earliest form, bodybuilding can be traced back to ancient Greece and Egypt. Here, physical strength and muscular development were highly valued for aesthetic reasons, survival, and combat. The Greeks celebrated the human body, and their admiration is evident in their sculptures, depicting muscular, well-sculpted physiques.

The Birth of Modern Bodybuilding

The modern era of bodybuilding began in the late 19th century with Eugen Sandow, known as “The Father of Modern Bodybuilding.” Sandow’s impressive physique and public displays of strength captivated audiences and sparked a global interest in muscle development.

The Golden Age

The mid-20th century, particularly the 1950s to the 1970s, is often called the “Golden Age of Bodybuilding.” This era saw the rise of legends like Steve Reeves, Reg Park, and later Arnold Schwarzenegger. Their success in both bodybuilding and Hollywood significantly contributed to the sport’s popularity.

The Evolution of Bodybuilding Competitions

Bodybuilding competitions have evolved significantly over the years. The first contests focused mainly on displaying strength, but soon, the aesthetic aspects of muscle symmetry, size, and definition became central. The Mr. Olympia contest, established in 1965, remains the pinnacle of professional bodybuilding.

The Inclusivity Era

Today, bodybuilding is more inclusive than ever. It has expanded to include various divisions such as Men’s Physique, Women’s Physique, Bikini, and Classic Physique, catering to different body types and preferences. This inclusivity has attracted a broader range of athletes, further enriching the sport.

Closing Thoughts

Understanding the rich history of bodybuilding gives context to your own journey. As you train and prepare for your first competition, remember that you are part of a long and storied tradition that celebrates strength, discipline, and artistry.

Stay tuned, we are exploring the different bodybuilding divisions in detail. And remember, every rep, every set, and every meal brings you closer to continuing this legacy.


About the author

Stacia D. Kelly, PhD
Co-Promoter MMVANPC
Co-Creator SYW2C

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